
Gyan Sarovar Inter College, Suhag Nagar, Firozabad was founded on the 20 june 1990. This college was directed by Gyan Bharati Shiksha samiti whose founder was late Shri Shilesh Chandra Rajput.

A school is an educational environment where children go to learn from a teacher. Topics such as reading, writing and mathematics are central to education. Most of a student's time is spent in a classroom. This is where 10 to 30 people sit to take part in educational discussion.

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School Facilities

Features Name Here

Kindergarten will discover a professional team that aims to respect your child's feelings, to give them responsibility, independence and freedom to make choices.

Features Name Here

Kindergarten will discover a professional team that aims to respect your child's feelings, to give them responsibility, independence and freedom to make choices.

Features Name Here

Kindergarten will discover a professional team that aims to respect your child's feelings, to give them responsibility, independence and freedom to make choices.

Our Management

Our Mission

We are committed to recognizing the importance of communication and to encouraging dialogue among all constituencies; to promoting intellectual and social growth and development within the school community; to providing a safe, supportive setting so that students have the opportunity to explore and to clarify their own beliefs and values, to take risks, and to think and speak for themselves; and to recognizing and responding to individual and institutional prejudices, both overt and subtle, based on gender, race, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability.

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